Speaker • Professor • Sociologist • Author • Podcaster • Activist

Some of Dr. Hortencia Jiménez’s Work

Latinx Experiences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

This textbook introduces students to the variety and complexity of Latinxs’ experiences in the U.S., and prepares them for further study in this interdisciplinary field. The opening essay, written by the editors, offers a broad overview of the approximately 59 million people in the U.S. who identify as Hispanic. The rest of the book will consist of contributed essays from Latina(o)/Chicana(o) scholars on a range of subjects, including immigration, citizenship, and deportation; racial identities; political participation and power; educational and economic achievement; family; religion; media and popular culture. Although the essays are written for lower-division undergraduates, they reflect many of the leading theoretical and methodological approaches in the field. The essays are unified by an intersectional approach, demonstrating how the experiences and life chances of Latinxs are also shaped by gender, social class, sexuality, age, and citizenship status.





Villaseñor, Maria,  Jiménez, Hortencia (Eds). 2023. Latinx Experiences Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Sage Publishing, Thousand Oaks, CA

 Jiménez, Hortencia (Ed.). 2018. Challenging Inequalities: Readings in Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration. (Revised First Edition), San Diego: Cognella Publishers. Dubuque, Iowa. 


Book chapters

Oliva, Nereida & Jiménez, Hortencia. (2019). (Her)stories of Sobrevivencia and Sabiduria:  Chicanx Community College Student Mothers (re)Claiming and (re)defining the educational pipeline.In. C. Caballero, Martínez-Vu, Y., Pérez-Torres, J.C., Téllez, M., & Vega, C.(Eds.) Chicana M(other)work Anthology: Porque Sin Madres No Hay Revolución. Arizona: Arizona Press.

Jiménez, H. (2018). Leisure, Paladares, and Remittances in Havana’s “Big Sofa.” In Bellinger, Rebecca L, Prasad, Kislaya (Eds.). Cuba in Transition: Lessons from a Faculty Development in International Business Program. Center for International Business and Education and Research (CIBER). University of Maryland (pp. 27-34).

Jiménez, Hortencia. 2018.  Beyond the White and Black Binary: Black and Brown Bodies Parallel  Experiences of State Sanctioned Policing. In Jiménez, Hortencia (Ed.) Challenging Inequalities: Readings in Race, Ethnicity, Immigration. (Revised First Edition). (pp. 168-189), San Diego: Cognella Publishers. Dubuque, Iowa. 

Oliva, Nereida, Jiménez, Hortencia. 2018. Nepantleras in a Community College: Student Mothers Negotiating Mothering, School, and Work. Jiménez, Hortencia (Ed.) Challenging Inequalities: Readings in Race, Ethnicity, Immigration. (Revised First Edition). (pp. 237-250), San Diego: Cognella Publishers. Dubuque, Iowa.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Jiménez, Hortencia. 2019. Objectification and Commodification of  Blackness: The (Mis)Representation of Afro-Cuban women in Figurines and Dolls. Women of Color (WOC) in Collaboration and Conflict Graduate Working Group Journal. 

Jiménez, Hortencia, Oliva, Nereida. 2017. Latina Student Mothers’ Trenzas de Identidades in the Community College. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal. 11:2

Glazier, Marnie, Jiménez, Hortencia, Rocha-Tavera, Hermelinda. 2017. Drought, Sustenance, and Sustainability in the Salinas Valley and Beyond: A Year Long Multidisciplinary Collaboration. Community College Moment.

Barbarena, Laura, Jiménez, Hortencia, Young, Michael. 2014. “It Just Happened”: Telescoping Anxiety,  Defiance, and Emergent Collective Behavior in the Student Walkouts of 2006. Social Problems, 61: 1

Jiménez, Hortencia. 2012. “Doing Leadership: New models of Chicana/Latina Leadership in Austin, Texas.” Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas En Letras y Cambio Social, 12:1 

Jiménez, Hortencia,  2011. “Factors Influencing the Emergence of Immigrant Rights Coalitions (IRCs) in the United States.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 9:3 

Jiménez, Hortencia. 2010. “Unidos Por La Justicia and Mujeres Fuertes: Grassroots groups shaping Mexican Immigrant women’s activism in San Jose, California.” Latinos Studies, 8:4 


Book Reviews

Jimenez, Hortencia. 2012. Book Review: “Remaking Citizenship: Latina Immigrants and New American Politics” by Kathleen M. Coll. Latino  Studies

Jimenez, Hortenica. 2009.  Book Review: “Latina Activists across Borders: Women’s Grassroots Organizing in Mexico and Texas” by Milagros Peña.  AZTLAN: A Journal of Chicano Studies 34(2).