Speaker • Professor • Sociologist • Author • Podcaster • Activist

EP 78 Embracing Cultural Immersion and Personal Growth through a Faculty Abroad Program in South Korea

As a first-generation professional and the host of the “Dismantling Diet Culture” podcast, I recently had the incredible opportunity to participate in a faculty abroad program in South Korea. This experience not only broadened my cultural horizons but also challenged me to overcome personal barriers and embrace growth. In this blog post, I want to share my journey and encourage others to pursue their dreams, no matter the obstacles.

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Financial Hurdles

When I first learned about the faculty abroad program, I was filled with excitement and apprehension. As someone who hadn’t traveled extensively, I questioned whether I was deserving of such an opportunity. Moreover, the financial cost of the program seemed daunting. However, with the support of Ohio State University and the encouragement of loved ones, I decided to take the leap and apply. To my surprise and delight, I was accepted! This experience taught me that we should never let self-doubt or financial worries limit our aspirations.

Diverse Participation and Cultural Exchanges

One of the most enriching aspects of the program was the diversity of its participants. Our group consisted of over 14 professionals from various universities across the U.S. and even one from the Netherlands. We represented different fields and backgrounds, which added depth to our conversations and cultural exchanges. The program included visits to Yonsei University and insights from faculty members in South Korea, providing us with a comprehensive understanding of the country’s academic landscape.

Immersing in South Korean Culture and Society

During our time in South Korea, we had the privilege of visiting renowned companies such as Samsung, Hyundai, SK, Lotte, and LGD. We also embarked on cultural visits to landmarks like the DMC, the demilitarized zone, and the third tunnel in Zedong, and engaged in activities like calligraphy and exploring local markets, palaces, and temples. These experiences allowed us to witness firsthand the influence of Confucian values on South Korean society, emphasizing hierarchy, family, education, and collectivism. We also observed changes in company culture driven by younger generations and shifting attitudes towards hierarchy and loyalty.

Navigating Challenges and Cultural Differences

As we immersed ourselves in South Korean culture, we became aware of various challenges the country faces. We discussed the underrepresentation of women in companies, work culture, education, and the country’s low birth rates. We also learned the importance of respecting cultural etiquette, such as dress codes and behavior in public spaces. I was fascinated by the low tone of voice used in public, the absence of jaywalking, the cleanliness of the streets, and the prevalence of convenience stores. Comparing transportation systems between South Korea and the U.S. was another eye-opening experience.

Personal Growth and Reflection

Throughout the program, I experienced personal growth and moments of reflection. Initially, I felt a sense of grief for not being able to share this experience with my late grandmother. I was self-conscious about my limited travel experience compared to my colleagues. However, the support and encouragement I received from my community reminded me that my impact lies in my work and the lives I touch through my podcast and teaching. This experience also highlighted the importance of cultural sensitivity and standing up against microaggressions when encountered during travels.

Participating in the faculty abroad program in South Korea was a transformative experience that challenged me to overcome self-doubt, embrace cultural immersion, and recognize the value of personal growth. I strongly encourage college students and professionals alike to seek out study abroad programs and solo travel opportunities. While I acknowledge the privilege and potential constraints associated with traveling, it’s never too late to explore the world and pursue our dreams. As I continue my work with “Dismantling Diet Culture,” I carry with me the lessons learned and the renewed sense of purpose gained from this incredible journey.

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